#Find a grave new jersey for free
Research your New Jersey genealogy for free by searching and viewing New Jersey cemetery records. We have produced this index to all the Jersey records on Find A Grave at the end of March 2018, for the 12 cemeteries with 12 or more records. Free access to New Jersey cemetery records and tombstone inscriptions. In the meeting of all the New Jersey Congressmen it was decided I. Please select a county or city to continue. Search or browse cemeteries and grave records for every-day and famous people from around the world. This has little or no value for researchers of Jersey families, but the records added by descendants, often accompanied by photographs, and with a potted history of their ancestors, are of infinitely greater value. The only active National Cemetery in Pennsylvania today is at Gettysburg and grave. Find the graves of ancestors, create virtual memorials or add photos, virtual flowers and a note to a loved one's memorial. We have encountered one contributor of records for 17th century graves in Jersey churchyards who has added over 100,000 records to Find A Grave over six years, and continues to add over 200 every week. Please note we are not seeking death certificates, just a death. This information has clearly been drawn from other genealogy websites' burial records. The NJ State Archives has released years 1901-1903, but no records are available after that. Click on 'Genealogy search' on the left column. Unfortunately the site seems to be dominated by people (mainly in the USA) who have made a hobby out of adding graves which have nothing to do with their family the entries containing very little information other than the name of the grave's occupant and the cemetery where it is to be found. Boonton Holmes Public Library - Boonton, NJ Butler Museum - Butler, NJ Butler Public Library Chester Library Denville Twp Public Library Dover Free Public Library East Hanover Township Library. Find a Grave Riverside Cemetery, Saddle Brook : This is a searchable database for Riverside Cemetery, located in Saddle Brook, New Jersey. The idea is that researchers who have discovered graves of their ancestors add the available information to the site, with a photograph of the grave, wherever possible. These have all been added by registered contributors.

The website, established in 1995, claims to be the 'world's largest gravesite collection' and contains millions of entries for graves around the world. To search for cemeteries at the county level follow directions below. To find cemetery records for New Jersey in the FamilySearch Catalog follow these steps: Go to the FamilySearch Catalog. Edison National Historic Site West Orange, Essex County, New Jersey, USA Yogi Berra Hall of Fame Baseball Player, Manager, and Coach. This is Jerripedia's index to nearly 4,000 entries for Jersey graves on the commercial website Find A Grave. Additional Resources at the Family History Library. Famous Graves in New Jersey 1,028 records found Page of 52 Thomas Alva Edison Inventor.